4 million postal addresses.
1.7 million phone numbers.
450 thousand e-mail addresses.
4 million geo locations.
200 thousand Websites.
1,029 business types in 19 industries Sectors.
In our databases you can filter the information by state, number of employees, postal, etc..
Based on the type of package and quantity of company records in the file.
Monthly we add an average of 500 new records to the database from multiple data sources.
The file is ready to open in the Excel program and make filters and searches easily.
The final price depends on the number of records contained in the database, buy more, pay less. Contact us and order the database you need, we accept payments via Paypal or Credit Card. Once the payment is credited, the file is sent to your email. Check the available databases.
No, each database comes with complete and incomplete records, because there are businesses that do not have email, website or telephone. Contact us and verify the information of the data contained in each database before buying.
All database include this fields: Company Name, Business Location Address, Postal Code, Suburb, City, Municipality, State, Employee Count, Phone Number, Website Address, Email, (Optionally Geo info).
Contact us to detail your needs, we have multiple databases and experience to get the information you need.
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