Mexico Metalworking Industry Directory.

The Metalworking industry is dedicated to the use of products obtained in metallurgical processes for the manufacture of parts, pieces or finished products such as machinery, equipment or tools.

Mexico Metalworking industry directory in excel file


1 .- Forged and stamped metal products manufacturing (398 records)
2 .- Heavy gauge metal tanks manufacturing (236 records)
3 .- Light gauge metal containers manufacturing (124 records)
4 .- Automotive vehicle metal stamping (233 records)
5 .- Metal coating and finishings (792 records)
6 .- Metal kitchen utensils manufacturing (249 records)
7 .- Metal structures manufacturing (1,624 records)
8 .- Metal valves manufacturing (139 records)
9 .- Metalworking industry machinery and equipment manufacturing (246 records)
10 .- Nonferrous metallic parts molding by casting (181 records)
11 .- Nonpowered metal hand tools manufacturing (330 records)
12 .- Nonprecious metalwork (304 records)
13 .- Other metal products manufacturing (1,134 records)
14 .- Other nonferrous metals smelting and refining (44 records)
15 .- Parts machining for general purpose machinery and equipment (9,429 records)
16 .- Precious metals smelting and refining (21 records)
17 .- Secondary lamination of other nonferrous metals (33 records)

This directory has the following information:

Post mail

15,517 records have full address .


9,600 records have a telephone.


3,600 records have email.


1,100 records have website.

15,517 records contains our database of the Mexican Metalworking Industry.

The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (optional), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (optional), Email (optional), Website (optional), Latitude, Longitude.

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