Mexico Mass Media Information Business Database.

The Information sector comprises establishments engaged in the following processes: producing and distributing information and cultural products, providing the means to transmit or distribute these products as well as data or communications, and processing data.

The main components of this sector are the publishing industries, including software publishing, and both traditional publishing and publishing exclusively on the Internet; the motion picture and sound recording industries; the broadcasting industries, including traditional broadcasting and broadcasting exclusively over the Internet; the telecommunications industries; and Web search portals, data processing industries, and the information services industries. The expressions ''information age'' and ''global information economy'' are used with considerable frequency today. The general idea of an ''information economy'' includes both the notion of industries primarily producing, processing, and distributing information, as well as the idea that every industry is using available information and information technology to reorganize and make themselves more productive. For the purposes, it is the transformation of information into a commodity that is produced and distributed by a number of growing industries that is at issue.

Cultural products are those that directly express attitudes, opinions, ideas, values, and artistic creativity; provide entertainment; or offer information and analysis concerning the past and present. Included in this definition are popular, mass-produced products as well as cultural products that normally have a more limited audience, such as poetry books, literary magazines, or classical records.

The distribution modes for information commodities may either eliminate the necessity for traditional manufacture, or reverse the conventional order of manufacture-distribute: A newspaper distributed on-line, for example, can be printed locally or by the final consumer. Similarly, packaged software is available mainly on-line.

The Information sector is designed to make such economic changes transparent as they occur, or to facilitate designing surveys that will monitor the new phenomena and provide data to analyze the changes. Many of the industries in the Information sector are engaged in producing products protected by copyright law, or in distributing them (other than distribution by traditional wholesale and retail methods).

Examples are traditional publishing industries, software and directory and mailing list publishing industries, and film and sound industries. Broadcasting and telecommunications industries and information providers and processors are also included in the Information sector, because their technologies are so closely linked to other industries in the Information sector.

Mexico Information business database in excel


This industry comprises establishments known as newspaper publishers. Establishments in this industry carry out operations necessary for producing and distributing newspapers, including gathering news; writing news columns, feature stories, and editorials; and selling and preparing advertisements. These establishments may publish newspapers in print or electronic form.
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the edition of newspapers integrated with the printing on paper or with the recording in electronic format, for example in compact discs (CD) or microfiche.
This industry comprises establishments known either as magazine publishers or periodical publishers. These establishments carry out the operations necessary for producing and distributing magazines and other periodicals, such as gathering, writing, and editing articles, and selling and preparing advertisements. These establishments may publish magazines and other periodicals in print or electronic form.

Illustrative Examples:

Comic book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Radio and television guide publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Magazine publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Scholarly journal publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Newsletter publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Trade journal publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the edition of magazines, newsletters and other periodicals integrated with printing on paper or with electronic recording, for example on compact discs (CDs). Periodicals are published at more or less regular intervals.
This industry comprises establishments known as book publishers. Establishments in this industry carry out design, editing, and marketing activities necessary for producing and distributing books. These establishments may publish books in print, electronic, or audio form.

Illustrative Examples:

Atlas publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Religious book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
School textbook publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Encyclopedia publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Technical manual publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Map publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Travel guide book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the edition of books integrated with printing on paper or with electronic recording, for example on compact discs (CDs) or cassettes.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in publishing directories, mailing lists, and collections or compilations of fact. The products are typically protected in their selection, arrangement and/or presentation. Examples are lists of mailing addresses, telephone directories, directories of businesses, collections or compilations of proprietary drugs or legal case results, compilations of public records, etc. These establishments may publish directories and mailing lists in print or electronic form.

Illustrative Examples:

Business directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Mailing list publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Telephone directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the edition of directories and mailing lists integrated with printing on paper or with the recording in electronic format, for example on compact discs (CD).
This industry comprises establishments generally known as publishers (except newspaper, magazine, book, directory, database, music, and greeting card publishers). These establishments may publish works in print or electronic form.

Illustrative Examples:

Art print publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
Calendar publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the edition of other materials, such as catalogs, agendas, brochures, show programs, calendars, postcards, greeting cards and lithographs, integrated with paper printing or electronic recording , for example on compact discs (CD).
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in computer software publishing or publishing and reproduction. Establishments in this industry carry out operations necessary for producing and distributing computer software, such as designing, providing documentation, assisting in installation, and providing support services to software purchasers. These establishments may design, develop, and publish, or publish only. These establishments may publish and distribute software remotely through subscriptions and downloads.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing, or producing and distributing motion pictures, videos, television programs, or television commercials.
This industry includes Businesses or companies mainly dedicated to the production of programs for television not carried out by television stations.
This industry includes Businesses or companies dedicated mainly to the production of video clips, commercials and other audiovisual materials, not carried out by television stations.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in acquiring distribution rights and distributing film and video productions to motion picture theaters, television networks and stations, and exhibitors.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating motion picture theaters (except drive-ins) and/or exhibiting motion pictures or videos at film festivals, and so forth.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing specialized motion picture or video postproduction services, such as editing, film/tape transfers, subtitling, credits, closed captioning, and animation and special effects.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in acquiring and registering copyrights for musical compositions in accordance with law and promoting and authorizing the use of these compositions in recordings, radio, television, motion pictures, live performances, print, or other media. Establishments in this industry represent the interests of the songwriter or other owners of musical compositions to produce revenues from the use of such works, generally through licensing agreements. These establishments may own the copyright or act as administrator of the music copyrights on behalf of copyright owners. Publishers of music books and sheet music are included in this industry.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing the facilities and technical expertise for sound recording in a studio. This industry includes establishments that provide audio production and postproduction services to produce master recordings. These establishments may provide audio services for film, television, and video productions.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in record production (e.g., tapes, CDs) and/or releasing, promoting, and distributing sound recordings to wholesalers, retailers, or directly to the public. These establishments contract with artists, arrange and finance the production of original master recordings, and/or produce master recordings themselves, such as audio tapes/cassettes and compact discs. Establishments in this industry hold the copyright to the master recording, or obtain reproduction and distribution rights to master recordings produced by others, and derive most of their revenues from the sales, leasing, licensing, or distribution of master recordings.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing sound recording services (except record production, distribution, music publishing, and sound recording in a studio). Establishments in this industry provide services, such as the audio recording of meetings and conferences.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting aural programs by radio to the public. Programming may originate in their own studio, from an affiliated network, or from external sources.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting images together with sound. These establishments operate television broadcasting studios and facilities for the programming and transmission of programs to the public. These establishments also produce or transmit visual programming to affiliated broadcast television stations, which in turn broadcast the programs to the public on a predetermined schedule. Programming may originate in their own studio, from an affiliated network, or from external sources.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating studios and facilities for the broadcasting of programs on a subscription or fee basis. The broadcast programming is typically narrowcast in nature (e.g., limited format, such as news, sports, education, or youth-oriented). These establishments produce programming in their own facilities or acquire programming from external sources. The programming material is usually delivered to a third party, such as cable systems or direct-to-home satellite systems, for transmission to viewers.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating and/or providing access to transmission facilities and infrastructure that they own and/or lease for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, and video using wired telecommunications networks. Transmission facilities may be based on a single technology or a combination of technologies. Establishments in this industry use the wired telecommunications network facilities that they operate to provide a variety of services, such as wired telephony services, including VoIP services; wired (cable) audio and video programming distribution; and wired broadband Internet services. By exception, establishments providing satellite television distribution services using facilities and infrastructure that they operate are included in this industry.

Illustrative Examples:

Broadband Internet service providers, wired (e.g., cable, DSL)
Cable television distribution services
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) services
Direct-to-home satellite system (DTH) services
Local telephone carriers, wired
Long-distance telephone carriers, wired
Multichannel multipoint distribution services (MMDS)
Satellite television distribution systems
Telecommunications carriers, wired
VoIP service providers, using own operated wired telecommunications infrastructure
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating and maintaining switching and transmission facilities to provide communications via the airwaves. Establishments in this industry have spectrum licenses and provide services using that spectrum, such as cellular phone services, paging services, wireless Internet access, and wireless video services.

Illustrative Examples:

Cellular telephone services
Paging services, except satellite
Wireless Internet service providers, except satellite
Wireless telephone communications carriers, except satellite
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing telecommunications services to other establishments in the telecommunications and broadcasting industries by forwarding and receiving communications signals via a system of satellites or reselling satellite telecommunications.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing specialized telecommunications services, such as satellite tracking, communications telemetry, and radar station operation. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in providing satellite terminal stations and associated facilities connected with one or more terrestrial systems and capable of transmitting telecommunications to, and receiving telecommunications from, satellite systems. Establishments providing Internet services or Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) services via client-supplied telecommunications connections are also included in this industry.

Illustrative Examples:

Dial-up Internet service providers
VoIP service providers, using client-supplied telecommunications connections
Internet service providers using client-supplied telecommunications connections (e.g., dial-up ISPs)
Satellite tracking stations
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for hosting or data processing services. These establishments may provide specialized hosting activities, such as Web hosting, streaming services, or application hosting (except software publishing), or they may provide general time-share mainframe facilities to clients. Data processing establishments provide complete processing and specialized reports from data supplied by clients or provide automated data processing and data entry services.
Illustrative Examples:

Application hosting
Optical scanning services
Web hosting
Computer data storage services
Video and audio streaming services
Computer input preparation services
Microfilm imaging services
Computer time rental
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in supplying information, such as news reports, articles, pictures, and features, to the news media.
This industry comprises establishments on private sector primarily engaged in providing library or archive services. These establishments are engaged in maintaining collections of documents (e.g., books, journals, newspapers, and music) and facilitating the use of such documents (recorded information regardless of its physical form and characteristics) as required to meet the informational, research, educational, or recreational needs of their user. These establishments may also acquire, research, store, preserve, and generally make accessible to the public historical documents, photographs, maps, audio material, audiovisual material, and other archival material of historical interest. All or portions of these collections may be accessible electronically.
This industry comprises establishments on public sector primarily engaged in providing library or archive services. These establishments are engaged in maintaining collections of documents (e.g., books, journals, newspapers, and music) and facilitating the use of such documents (recorded information regardless of its physical form and characteristics) as required to meet the informational, research, educational, or recreational needs of their user. These establishments may also acquire, research, store, preserve, and generally make accessible to the public historical documents, photographs, maps, audio material, audiovisual material, and other archival material of historical interest. All or portions of these collections may be accessible electronically.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) publishing and/or broadcasting content on the Internet exclusively or (2) operating Web sites that use a search engine to generate and maintain extensive databases of Internet addresses and content in an easily searchable format (and known as Web search portals). The publishing and broadcasting establishments in this industry do not provide traditional (non-Internet) versions of the content that they publish or broadcast. They provide textual, audio, and/or video content of general or specific interest on the Internet exclusively. Establishments known as Web search portals often provide additional Internet services, such as email, connections to other Web sites, auctions, news, and other limited content, and serve as a home base for Internet users.

Illustrative Examples:

Internet book publishers
Internet sports sites
Internet entertainment sites
Internet video broadcast sites
Internet news publishers
Internet periodical publishers
Internet radio stations
Internet search portals
Web search portals
Internet search Web sites
Internet social networking sites
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing other information services (except news syndicates, libraries, archives, Internet publishing and broadcasting, and Web search portals).

Illustrative Examples:

News clipping services
Telephone-based recorded information services
Stock photo agencies

This directory has the following information:

Post mail

21,374 records have full address .


8,700 records have a telephone.


3,200 records have email.


1,650 records have website.

21,374 records contains our database of the Mexican Information Industry.

The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (if applicable), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (if applicable), Email (if applicable), Website (if applicable), Latitude, Longitude

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