The Management of Companies and Enterprises sector comprises establishments that hold the securities of (or other equity interests in) companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a controlling interest or influencing management decisions or establishments (except government establishments) that administer, oversee, and manage establishments of the company or enterprise and that normally undertake the strategic or organizational planning and decision-making role of the company or enterprise.
Establishments that administer, oversee, and manage may hold the securities of the company or enterprise. Establishments in this sector perform essential activities that are often undertaken in-house by establishments in many sectors of the economy. By consolidating the performance of these activities of the enterprise at one establishment, economies of scale are achieved.
666 records have full address .
300 records have a telephone.
227 records have email.
128 records have website.
The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (if applicable), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (if applicable), Email (if applicable), Website (if applicable), Latitude, Longitude
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