Mexico Business Support Business Database.

The Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services sector comprises establishments performing routine support activities for the day-to-day operations of other organizations. These essential activities are often undertaken in-house by establishments in many sectors of the economy. The establishments in this sector specialize in one or more of these support activities and provide these services to clients in a variety of industries and, in some cases, to households.

Activities performed include: office administration, hiring and placing of personnel, document preparation and similar clerical services, solicitation, collection, security and surveillance services, cleaning, and waste disposal services. The administrative and management activities performed by establishments in this sector are typically on a contract or fee basis.

Mexico Business Support business database in excel


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing a range of day-to-day office administrative services, such as financial planning; billing and recordkeeping; personnel; and physical distribution and logistics, for others on a contract or fee basis. These establishments do not provide operating staff to carry out the complete operations of a business.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing operating staff to perform a combination of support services within a client's facilities. Establishments in this industry typically provide a combination of services, such as janitorial, maintenance, trash disposal, guard and security, mail routing, reception, laundry, and related services to support operations within facilities. These establishments provide operating staff to carry out these support activities, but are not involved with or responsible for the core business or activities of the client. Establishments providing facilities (except computer and/or data processing) operation support services and establishments providing private jail services or operating correctional facilities (i.e., jails) on a contract or fee basis are included in this industry.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in listing employment vacancies and in referring or placing applicants for employment. The individuals referred or placed are not employees of the employment agencies.

Illustrative Examples:

Babysitting bureaus (i.e., registries)
Employment registries
Casting agencies or bureaus (i.e., motion picture, theatrical, video)
Model registries
Employment agencies
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in supplying workers to clients' businesses for limited periods of time to supplement the working force of the client. The individuals provided are employees of the temporary help services establishment. However, these establishments do not provide direct supervision of their employees at the clients' work sites.

Illustrative Examples:

Help supply services
Model supply services
Labor (except farm) contractors (i.e., personnel suppliers)
Temporary employment or temporary staffing services
Manpower pools
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing human resources and human resource management services to client businesses and households. Establishments in this industry operate in a co-employment relationship with client businesses or organizations and are specialized in performing a wide range of human resource and personnel management duties, such as payroll, payroll tax, benefits administration, workers' compensation, unemployment, and human resource administration. Professional employer organizations (PEOs) are responsible for payroll, including withholding and remitting employment-related taxes, for some or all of the employees of their clients, and also serve as the employer of those employees for benefits and related purposes.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) letter or resume writing; (2) document editing or proofreading; (3) typing, word processing, or desktop publishing; and (4) stenography (except court reporting or stenotype recording), transcription, and other secretarial services.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in answering telephone calls and relaying messages to clients.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating call centers that initiate or receive communications for others via telephone, facsimile, email, or other communication modes for purposes such as: (1) promoting clients' products or services, (2) taking orders for clients, (3) soliciting contributions for a client, and (4) providing information or assistance regarding a client's products or services. These establishments do not own the product or provide the services they are representing on behalf of clients.
This industry includes Businesses or companies mainly dedicated to providing photocopying, faxing, crimping, enmicado, correspondence and related services.
This industry includes Businesses or companies mainly dedicated to providing access to computers to use the internet, capture texts, and make spreadsheets. These units are also known as cybercafe.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in collecting payments for claims and remitting payments collected to their clients.

Illustrative Examples:

Account or delinquent account collection services
Tax collection services on a contract or fee basis
Bill or debt collection services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in compiling information, such as credit and employment histories, and providing the information to financial institutions, retailers, and others who have a need to evaluate the creditworthiness of individuals and businesses.

Illustrative Examples:

Credit agencies
Credit rating services
Credit investigation services
Credit reporting bureaus
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing business support services (except secretarial and other document preparation services; telephone answering and telemarketing services; private mail services or document copying services conducted as separate activities or in conjunction with other office support services; monetary debt collection services; credit reporting services; repossession services; and court reporting and stenotype recording services).

Illustrative Examples:

Address bar coding services
Fundraising organization services on a contract or fee basis
Bar code imprinting services
Mail presorting services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in acting as agents in selling travel, tour, and accommodation services to the general public and commercial clients.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in arranging and assembling tours. The tours are sold through travel agencies or tour operators. Travel or wholesale tour operators are included in this industry.
This industry comprises establishments (except travel agencies, tour operators, and convention and visitors bureaus) primarily engaged in providing travel arrangement and reservation services.

Illustrative Examples:

Condominium time-share exchange services
Ticket (e.g., airline, bus, cruise ship, sports, theatrical) offices
Reservation (e.g., airline, car rental, hotel, restaurant) services
Ticket (e.g., amusement, sports, theatrical) agencies
Road and travel services automobile clubs
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing investigation and detective services.

Illustrative Examples:

Fingerprinting services
Private detective services
Polygraph services
Private investigative services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing guard and patrol services, such as bodyguard, guard dog, and parking security services.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in exterminating and controlling birds, mosquitoes, rodents, termites, and other insects and pests (except for crop production and forestry production). Establishments providing fumigation services are included in this industry.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in cleaning building interiors, interiors of transportation equipment (e.g., aircraft, rail cars, ships), and/or windows.

Illustrative Examples:

Custodial services
Service station cleaning and degreasing services
Housekeeping (i.e., cleaning) services
Washroom sanitation services
Maid (i.e., cleaning) services
This industry comprises (1) establishments primarily engaged in providing landscape care and maintenance services and/or installing trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, or gardens and (2) establishments primarily engaged in providing these services along with the design of landscape plans and/or the construction (i.e., installation) of walkways, retaining walls, decks, fences, ponds, and similar structures.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in cleaning and dyeing used rugs, carpets, and upholstery.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing services to buildings and dwellings (except exterminating and pest control; janitorial; landscaping care and maintenance; and carpet and upholstery cleaning).

Illustrative Examples:

Building exterior cleaning services (except sandblasting, window cleaning)
Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance services
Chimney cleaning services
Ventilation duct cleaning services
Drain or gutter cleaning services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in packaging client-owned materials. The services may include labeling and/or imprinting the package.

Illustrative Examples:

Apparel and textile folding and packaging services
Kit assembling and packaging services
Blister packaging services
Shrink wrapping services
Gift wrapping services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in organizing, promoting, and/or managing events, such as business and trade shows, conventions, conferences, and meetings (whether or not they manage and provide the staff to operate the facilities in which these events take place).
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing day-to-day business and other organizational support services (except office administrative services, facilities support services, employment services, business support services, travel arrangement and reservation services, security and investigation services, services to buildings and other structures, packaging and labeling services, and convention and trade show organizing services).

Illustrative Examples:

Bartering services
Flagging (i.e., traffic control) services
Bottle exchanges
Float decorating services
Cloth cutting, bolting, or winding for the trade
Inventory taking services
Contract meter reading services
Lumber grading services
Diving services on a contract or fee basis
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in collecting and/or hauling hazardous waste within a local area and/or operating hazardous waste transfer stations. Hazardous waste collection establishments may be responsible for the identification, treatment, packaging, and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in collecting and/or hauling hazardous waste within a local area and/or operating hazardous waste transfer stations. Hazardous waste collection establishments may be responsible for the identification, treatment, packaging, and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
This industry includes companies from the private sector dedicated mainly to the collection of non-hazardous waste, such as garbage and recyclable materials (used PET bottles, used aluminum cans, used cardboard, etc.), from residential and non-residential sources.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) operating treatment and/or disposal facilities for hazardous waste or (2) the combined activity of collecting and/or hauling of hazardous waste materials within a local area and operating treatment or disposal facilities for hazardous waste.
This industry includes companies from the private sector dedicated mainly to the treatment of non-hazardous waste through biological, chemical or physical procedures to reduce, eliminate or transform waste, and final disposal of non-hazardous waste through sanitary landfills, incineration and other methods.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) remediation and cleanup of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil, or ground water; (2) integrated mine reclamation activities, including demolition, soil remediation, waste water treatment, hazardous material removal, contouring land, and revegetation; and (3) asbestos, lead paint, and other toxic material abatement.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) operating facilities for separating and sorting recyclable materials from nonhazardous waste streams (i.e., garbage) and/or (2) operating facilities where commingled recyclable materials, such as paper, plastics, used beverage cans, and metals, are sorted into distinct categories.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing waste management services (except waste collection, waste treatment and disposal, remediation, operation of materials recovery facilities, septic tank pumping and related services, and waste management consulting services).

Illustrative Examples:

Beach cleaning and maintenance services
Sewer or storm basin cleanout services
Catch basin cleaning services
Tank cleaning and disposal services, commercial or industrial
Sewer cleaning and rodding services

This directory has the following information:

Post mail

79,655 records have full address .


51,400 records have a telephone.


17,800 records have email.


4,900 records have website.

79,655 records contains our database of the Mexican Business Support Industry.

The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (if applicable), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (if applicable), Email (if applicable), Website (if applicable), Latitude, Longitude

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