Mexico Automotive Industry Directory.

The Automotive Industry supply sector includes establishments dedicated to the manufacture of motorized cars, including their components and auto parts.

Mexico Automotive industry directory in excel file


1 .- Automobiles and pickup trucks manufacturing (37 records)
2 .- Automotive vehicle brake system parts manufacturing (122 records)
3 .- Automotive vehicle engines and engine parts manufacturing (175 records)
4 .- Automotive vehicle metal stamping (233 records)
5 .- Automotive vehicle steering and suspension system parts manufacturing (131 records)
6 .- Internal combustion engines, turbines and power transmissions manufacturing (61 records)
7 .- Motor vehicle bodies and trailers manufacturing (837 records)
8 .- Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment and parts manufacturing (499 records)
9 .- Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing (294 records)
10 .- Motor vehicle transmission system parts manufacturing (88 records)
11 .- Other automotive vehicle parts manufacturing (508 records)
12 .- Reinforced and non-reinforced plastic auto parts manufacturing (387 records)
13 .- Trucks and truck tractors manufacturing (37 records)

This directory has the following information:

Post mail

3,407 records have full address .


2,200 records have a telephone.


1,400 records have email.


630 records have website.

3,407 records contains our database of the Mexican Automotive Industry.

The fields included in the Excel file are Name business, Official Name (optional), code NAICS, Sub-sector name, Number of Employees, Address (type of road, road, exterior number, exterior letter, etc.), Neighborhood, Postal Code, id_state, State, id_municipality, Municipality, id_city, city, Telephone (optional), Email (optional), Website (optional), Latitude, Longitude.

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